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Eliza Langland Actor. Author. Re-thinker.
Books by Eliza Langland
Elsinore. Hamlet history hidden in plain sight. Narrative non-fiction
Thou Art Alive! Shakespeare cue scripts. The secrets they tell. Narrative non-fiction
The True Story of the Lonely Wife: an Orkney Novella, and other stories
Rocks and Hard Places: ghost stories, love stories and short fiction
Audiobook preview
Eliza Langland
Actor. Author. Re-thinker.
Professional training/education
Queen Margaret College School of Drama (now QMU).
Post-grad "Mime, mouvement, theatre". Ecole Jacques Lecoq.
Theatre Ecole de Masques de Cyrille Dives.
Post grad Edinburgh University (MSc by research – History).
Eliza Langland is also qualified in clinical hypnotherapy.
Reader reactions to
Elsinore. Hamlet history hidden in plain sight:
I very quickly became immersed in this book not least because of
Langland’s lively and engaging style of writing and her detailed
knowledge of her subject.
What a fabulous read.
Can't put it down.
Oh my, this is heart stopping stuff.
Reader-friendly and a dry wit.
An absolutely fascinating read. A real page-turner detective job.
The research is compelling!
Beautifully balanced. Intelligently subtle. Painstaking research.
A truly fresh perspective.
5-star reviews.
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