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The Bookshop


Hamlet history hidden in plain sight

Why did Shakespeare write Hamlet?

Is it set in Denmark? Or is that only half the story?

Hamlet's book -- 'words, words, words' -- identified.

Marie: une histoire vraiment tragique de la reine d'Ecosse. 


Newly discovered truths (with evidence). 


In memoir form, this is a personal account of a research journey from insight to conclusion.


Accessibly told.  Fully referenced.  This is a radical rethink of the history behind Shakespeare's towering masterpiece. 



How did Shakespeare and his actors stage his plays? Each actor had his own lines and cues but only one person had the whole script and there was precious little rehearsal. How did they do it? 

This engaging book comes in two parts. Part One shows you how to put this original playing method to work. Part  Two reveals what the author has found by doing so.


If the First Folio (1623) is the lock, cue-scripts are the key.


Hitherto undiscovered secrets can still be made. Some of them are revealed in this book, but for future practitioners of the cue-script method, there are many more just waiting to be found.



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Thou Art Alive! Shakespeare cue-scripts and the secrets they tell.

Rocks and Hard Places


These stories share a common thread: Scotland.


A love of the land, its people, its humour, its voice.


There is something of the elements - of the

elemental - in each of them.




  • ‘Terrif!’ Jo Cameron Brown

  • ‘Love the style.’ Paul Young

  • ‘Thoroughly enjoyed that!' Fiona Farris

  • ‘Exquisite humanity.’ Ana Mayor


A fictionalised account of a true story. Half memoir, half ghost-story,

half romance. (OK, that’s three halves, but the pieces intertwine.)


The strand is a place of magic where certainty and belief collide. Earth half

owned by land, reclaimed daily by the sea. This is a fond tribute to an island

community that captured the author’s heart forever.


  • "A story worth telling." Cameron Stout

  • "Just the right amount of spooky. I shivered."  Julie Coombe

  • “The magical sense that history is just beneath your feet." Fiona Farris  


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"Here, the earth and sea in concert,

water, rock and strand,

whoever walks upon these shores

needs good sea legs on land."

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